sabato 30 dicembre 2017



I am Mr Tony Allen,A reputable banker here in Accra Ghana

On the 15 march 2008, A young millionaire ( Mr Victor) A crude oil dealer who happen to have the same surname as yours.and who has your country in his file as his place of origin made a fixed deposit of a hug amount of money with my bank, But sadly he was among the death victims in the may 2008 earthquake disaster in China that killed over 5,000 people because he was in China on a business trip and that was how he meet his end.

Therefore, I am seeking your co-operation to present you as his next of kin and the one to benefit from his fund since you are from the same country with him and bear the same surname so that my bank will pay the funds to you. I have done enough inside bank arrangement and only have to put in your details into the information network in the bank's database and reflect you as his next of kin because he did not mention any next of kin\heir when the account was opened because he was not married and no children.

There is no risk involve.The transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. This transaction will be of a great mutual assistance to us

I will review further information's/Details and procedures to you as soon as I receive your positive reply

I wait for your positive response.

Mr Tony Allen

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